Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Sunday, June 21, 2015
I'm Moving!
Hello all!
Just a post to introduce you to my new website! Click Here to get to my new site
Just a post to introduce you to my new website! Click Here to get to my new site

Sunday, May 24, 2015
Is it Wrong to be a Stay at Home Wife Before Having Children?

As a woman with such dreams and desires as that, I find judgement and ill will towards my view on a women's role after marriage and before children. It seams to be the overriding view that if I were to marry and before I had any children it would be somehow wrong for me not to work at a traditional job. I say traditional job, because I would still be working I just wouldn't be getting a pay check for my time.
I sometimes wonder if everyone believes that now, or if I just have failed to see like mindedness around me. It used to be a very common thing -- an expected thing -- but now it is as dated a notion as dressing for dinner.

It seems that in the circle of acquaintances I personally know, not many are accepting of this whole idea. Is it because they feel they are being lazy if they do not work outside of the home? I have a whole library of ideas and ambitions and dreams that I want to do with my life, Lord willing I be blessed with a husband, just as I have many things I am pursing right now in lieu of myself not getting married. Laziness is far from the case. I just wouldn't be getting paid by someone else to do their work for them as in a traditional job. I would be doing my own work. Working for myself, on things I want to get accomplished, and being a support to my husband. A helper -- not a provider.
"She looks well to the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness."
And does not eat the bread of idleness."
~Proverbs 31:27
Is it too much to ask that the husband be able to provide for the two of us -- or should I be providing an income as well? Is it wrong not to work a traditional job while being a wife? When everyone all around me is doing the exact opposite of what I want to be doing, am I just being a silly overly romantic girl with wishes that are not practical?
In conclusion, I have to ask, is money all that matters? I rather be content at home, helping save money while running the household frugally, fixing supper, keeping the house tidy and creating a loving atmosphere for my husband to come home to -- all the while being poor -- than to own a bigger house, or go on vacations, or have nicer clothes -- all the while working a job outside of the home.
I honestly can say that I do not understand why anyone would want to work when they have the choice of being a homemaker -- but I daresay that they would not understand why I would want to be a homemaker either -- none of us being the wiser.
This being said, I have no problem with women who wish to pursue a professional career. If that is what appeals to them more, then I say go for it! Pursue whatever avenue your goals and ambitions lead you towards -- just don't judge me for not pursuing the same goals. As sisters in Christ we should be supporting and having a gentle spirit towards one another.
What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Just a Mirage

It is late, and I have to be at work early in the morning. I don't seem to care at the moment. The fan spins in the ceiling humming softly in the stuffy nighttime air. I lay awake thinking of when I visited my cousin a few weeks back and how we cooked a casserole in her tiny kitchen with of a plentiful supply of vintage Pyrex dishware, and how I just bought my first car. It cost me 3,500 dollars and it felt good handing over the check and taking the keys. The car has a black leather interior and heated seats, and a sunroof. I have worked a full time job in corporate America two years now. I drive myself to work blasting a full array of songs on the speakers with the windows down.
I think of just how far I've come in the past two years. God was providing for me the whole time. I knew it then, but I can see it clearly now. He provided me with an amazing car, enough money to start school, and a passion for teaching. I am ashamed to admit I had a bad attitude much of the time when I should have been thanking God for what I had been blessed with. He has shown me more grace than I ever deserved just in the past day -- much less the past two years.
I also wonder when I will meet a boy who steps up and asks me out. I wonder what God has planned for my future especially in that area. Will I marry a fellow, settle down, keep a farm, and have six children? Will I clean house, wash dishes, homeschool, and kiss my husband off for work? Or will I end up on my own, living in a brick apartment, teaching at a Charlotte Mason school, continue to pursue my photography, and spend my summers taking pictures and traveling? Will I come home, light a candle, cook supper for one, and grow old and wise all by myself? Will I have 3 cats, and go to the farmers market on the weekends, and take pictures of the people I meet?
I wonder what I will be doing in ten years time. Ten years ago I was twelve, in ten years I will be thirty-two. Time has a strange way of taking hold of us till all that we are is just a memory. Constantly it sifts us, changes us, without us even knowing. How different are we really from when we were children? We are still the same being with the same soul, thinking and dreaming and eating and working and living and breathing, yet we look back and somehow things have changed so slowly that we didn’t know it was happening. The scary and exhilarating thing is that I am now the adult. The person I would have looked up towards with a sense of awe and respect when I was twelve. I am that someday, that moment far far in the future. When twelve, that day seems so far out in the distance, like a mirage on a summer road, something that people say will come to pass but we somehow never believe it really will -- as if we will stay in perpetual childhood forever.

And then it comes -- that moment when you first look around and realize that things are changing and it is a strange and exciting sensation. You can’t explain it, no one can. It just sort of happens one day. But time goes on and you forget the newness of it and you still feel like a kid deep down.
Once several more years pass and all your friends are getting married and having babies and moving out on their own and starting the beginning of their grownup lives you realize just how bizarre it is that you are indeed part of the grownups too. You don’t really feel like a kid -- not even deep down. You feel settled in your skin and eager to live your dreams that have been so long in the making. You make new ones. You dream bigger with some things, and let other dreams from childhood die and fade away into mere memories. You pay bills and deal with money matters. You feel stresses you never felt before, and less stress with matters that would have made you upset when you were younger. You reach out and dig deep. You realize that you must act now or things will not come to pass. You feel very unprepared -- insufficient even. You begin to taste hints of accomplishments that took hard work to achieve.
You feel the need to go on adventures while you’re still young and to dig deep and settle down all at the same time. It’s the feeling of springtime and harvest. Springtime because you are just beginning to unfold your buds that have grown throughout childhood and are ready to blossom and produce fruit; and harvest because you feel all grown up and well rounded compared with childhood’s seedlings.
You wonder when all of this will be just a memory too. Someday -- someday far away. So far even, it looks like just a mirage on a hot summer’s road.

Friday, April 17, 2015
Orange and Blue

Today my sister and two of her children drove 40 minutes to the hardware store to pick up a picnic table. As soon as I saw the bright orange colors of the store and noticed that some of us were wearing blue shirts it seemed to beg for bright cheery pictures. This was the first time that I have taken photos with my big camera in a store like this. I loved it. I think I shall not be afraid to pull it out again someday and capture memories that are all too soon forgotten such as going to the hardware store as a kid.
I remember going to the hardware store on Saturday mornings with my Dad for the sole reason to get out of housework for a little while and to beg for a cheese and peanut butter cracker or a candy bar. I also remember wondering what all of the strange tools and things were and what they could possilbly be used for. The hardware store is a strange and wonderful place as a child. It's almost like walking into some vast different world full of strange things. Of course a treat at the checkout lane might have helped my fond memories of the place.

Sunday, March 15, 2015
Concerning the Artistry and Creativity Community

know a few creative souls and though each of us is interested in a
different aspect of artistry we all share a love for the creative
thinking processes and can appreciate each others work. It occurred to
me that the internet was the only place that I had ever searched for
help and support concerning my creative growth. It is helpful, I have
self taught myself everything I know about photography. But it should
not be the stopping point.
I thought to myself how sad it was that I had spent hours looking for support and fresh ideas from the internet and not from the other creative souls that I already knew. That I saw practically ever week.
I know in the past people have met and got together to discuss their creative work and help refine each other into better artists. I do not know any other photographers among my friends, but I know that "thought begets thought" to quote Charlotte Mason, and that having a wide array of different perspectives could help me grow not only as a photographer but as a person.
What if you had just one or two other friends who you knew actively pursued artistry of one sort or the other. Why not start a monthly meet up? Why not show one another what you are inspired by, or what you are struggling with creatively speaking. Could they not bring a new light onto your developing skills? Could they not help you or you help them in some way? I believe the answer is yes, it would benefit everyone tremendously.
In our group we have a pianist/composer, a few writers, a few artists, and a photographer. It is a rather eclectic group of fellow creatives but could that not be the beauty of it? I believe all knowledge is connected and there are truths and principles concerning everything, whether it be art, or writing, or engineering, or photography, or baking, or science. If a wide assortment from different subjects is learned, a person will be far more educated than before. And one can be inspired by almost anything. If a group of creative minds met regularly, discussed there personal projects, hardships, inspiring words, how could not all benefit and learn tremendously? To learn anything one has to first be humble and admit he doesn't know and then he can begin to understand new things -- including all aspects of art. The more wide an assortment he has to learn from the more he will connect in his mind and the more he will truly know. As the Psalmist says, "The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; And with all your acquiring, get understanding." ~ Proverbs 4:7
What are your thoughts? Do you think a meetup group like what I described would be beneficial?
Thursday, March 12, 2015
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